Saturday, January 29, 2011

Everything is Funner With a James Bond Theme

So, even though it's 2:30 AM and I'm still awake right now (it's a combination of the TV, the pokemon and the skin reaction I'm having on my face . . . Oh and the loud drunk people in the dorm) I will be getting up before 7 AM tomorrow to be a passenger in Alexis' motocross. When she asked me to be her passenger I was honored. Then, Jenn said it would be a bad idea because I would be a distraction, but I promised I would be silent.

Basically, no one believed me. But Alexis said it would be okay even if I was humming a James Bond theme song like Jenn said I would . . . So I think I will.

In other news, I remembered that Alexis has to be wearing a helmet while she drives. This partially makes me fear for my life, and partially makes me even more excited because it's gonna be hella funny sitting in a car next to someone wearing a helmet.

Lexy out, bitches.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm Tired

I would like to take this moment to mention a certain someone that I live with. She mentions that I am constantly talking about her in my blog posts, but in actuality, I am in ALL of hers but one!

Eh, I don't really feel like blogging today. I'm tired. I got up at 7 to go to the gym. Nighty night.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Dining Hall . . .

. . . Is a place where many a thing happen each day.

For instance, it is where you see people that you don't want to see. It happens to me constantly, all the time, and today it happened twice. Today it happened five feet away from me. But enough about that . . . I'm curing cancer so it doesn't bother me as much, LAUREN.

Today for dinner with Alexis, I sat in the wrong spot. It is where Lauren and I used to sit, but we soon changed because I realized that I don't a view of all the pretty boys when I'm facing the wall.

Also. Alexis and I have a theory about names. People with similar names are similar people. The idea originated from ourselves. We are very, very similar people. Both quite loud and very much fun! And then we started to name people that we knew that could be similar. Alexis knows a Jenn who is also very mothery like our Jenn. Not as sarcastic, she said. Anyways, this is a dynamite theory and people should start talking about it.

In further news, I am as Kayla says, "Not as loud as a fire alarm." The good news is that I'm not as loud as a fire alarm; the bad news is that she felt the need to bring a fire alarm into the conversation as a comparison. Apparently I yelled very loudly in the dining hall today because LAUREN was disinclined to acquiesce my request. Everyone already knows I have trouble controlling the volume of my voice, so I don't know what they were expecting. I mean REALLY.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Fire has many uses.

It can lights things such as candles, fireplaces, grills, stoves, drugs and other things.

It is also something that sets off alarms. And when you live in a house, it's fine. It makes a really annoying noise for a while and then it stops.

But in college, if you set off the fire alarm, 400 people have to walk outside and stand in the elements until people say it's okay to come back inside. Me and my friends have ALMOST set the fire alarm off twice this year. Once with a burnt crust and once with trick candles. (That one wasn't my fault . . . It was only for my birthday.) But the other day a radiator exploded on the 6th floor and the sprinklers went off and they had to put new carpets. I was cooking at the time and definitely thought I set off the alarms and that 400 people were gonna hate me. Good news was it wasn't.

Today there was a drill. We think it was because we didn't "do a good job" when there was a "real fire" a few days ago.

Personally, I don't mind. There's always a lot of scenery outside. ;)

Monday, January 17, 2011

"F" is for Filter

I would have liked to use this blogspace to talk about something very fun and nice, like the Office, or how excited I am for Glee to come back on TV. However, certain events have caused me to need to blog about filters.

Anyone who knows me knows that my word vomit filter is set to low. Lots of impurities and bad things get through. However, certain things further hinder the word vomit filters ability. (Perhaps not so much as Jenn's filter, but I think it's because her filter works overtime when she's normal that it collapses under pressure in different circumstances.) For example, drinking an entire bottle of wine causes me not only to be loud and unsteady on my feet, but also to say things that should be kept inside my head, and especially things that should not be texted. It also tends to jumble my thoughts and lead to saying things that aren't even true the next morning.

Can I buy a new word vomit filter at the same place I buy water filters?

In other news, Jenn forgot to update her blog yesterday and I didn't. So I win. Bitch.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunday Night Dinner With Wine

Today was a great day. Last night we stayed up watching the Office and pizza until 3 o'clock. This morning, Alexis and Lauren burst into our room and yelled, "It's 3 o'clock!" I was like WTF but then they were just kidding. It was only 1 o'clock. So I got up and me and Lauren began to make a Glee power hour. At this moment i would like to shout out to Lauren for spending multiple hours with Garage Band and iTunes, making this power hour possible.

I can't make my thought process focus at the moment. I know . . . I don't remember what I know, I'm not 100% positive what I'm blogging about at the moment.

All I know is that I'm drinking wine out of a spill-proof sippy cup after I spent our cooking and I'm happy.

Yay! Game night!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Team Rocket

This entry marks the point in time when my blog is more than half Jenn. I didn't want it to come to this but today I was informed of a tragedy that needed to be unveiled to the public. (Which right now is Jenn, Lauren and Eric.) Eric informed me today that Jenn is a member of Team Rocket and THAT is why she is constantly trying to undermine my efforts to be a pokemon master. Jenn hasn't denied it, but she keeps talking like Eric just trying to pull one over on me. I know she's just trying to trick me. OBVIOUSLY she is a member of Team Rocket; I don't know how I didn't see it before. (Did I use the semi-colon right, bitch?)

By the way, Eric is:

(Cue thesaurus)